Sunday, July 4, 2021

As we finished celebrating Pentecost a couple of weeks ago I think it is fitting to finally write about an event I experienced in 2014. I have been contemplating if I should share this but this past Lent season it somehow became clear to me that it is time. 

In May 2014 I was undergoing chemo treatments, my then amazing boss had hired a wonderful lady (Maria) to help me for a few hours a day with work and any support that I might have needed. We would sit in the family room in armchairs with those computer stands that you can slide under the chair and worked together. The t.v was always on in the background at a very low setting.

One such day as I was responding to an email from a friend/colleague and was writing to her about my testimony, I suddenly start smelling smoke,and felt heat  coming from my seat. I felt the smoke rising up and me inhaling it from my nose and mouth. Maria noticed that I was panicking as I felt more heat and definitely see and smell and tasted smoke.

 I got up from my chair looking around while telling Maria, but she did not smell or see anything except me panicking. All of a sudden the t.v. went black and silent which made Maria also wonder what was going on. 

As I took a couple of steps stunned I still tasted smoke, and then just as suddenly my oh my, the taste and smell in my mouth changed to a wonderful flowery taste and smell that was spreading all the way to the back of my ears and down my throat. The smell was that of what we use during the Greek orthodox Easter time  when we sprinkle the Epitaph during its possession on Good Friday. At that moment I knew this was a supernatural incident.

We sat back down on our armchairs and were silent, looking at each other every few seconds. I tried the t.v but I could not turn it off or on. I stared at the email I was writing and decided to tell my friend who is a faithful believer what just happened. Continued to try the t.v. to no avail.

The flowery taste and smell was still in my mouth. Maria finally spoke and said, "you know maybe you just received your healing". I was quick to respond " I don't think that was it, I received my healing and revelation back in November in the hospital, this feels like something else".

We continued trying to work in silence and very aware that the t.v. will not turn on. Maria said " when the t.v. comes back on maybe put in on TBN (christian channel) there might be a message for you".  At that moment I had a thought and said " maybe this was about pra.... (the t.v. turn on as I finished my sentence)....  yer." I changed the channel to TBN where Joyce Meyer was finishing her sentence " is international day of prayer" Glory to God! Praise the Lord!

Later on I realized and I now believe the fire/smoke was the Holy Spirit, as I feel his presence constantly in my life. One of many examples is something that amazes me every time. Every night I post a verse on Facebook, there have been multiple occasions when the next day's christian t.v. shows themes are about that verse or it would show up the next day in a book I am reading, or someone will mention it in conversation. While you could say its coincidental or the possible probability of that happening is common, I would tend to argue that there are thousands of verses and far too many times that this happens.

All believers have the Holy spirit living within them we just need to recognize when he is working in our lives guiding us every day. 

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!